Big Hemp Seed For Bird 1Kg
Rich in natural oil and protein and over 40% of the weight of Hemp Seed is edible oils.
Hemp Seed is loved by most seed-eating cage and aviary birds, but it should be fed sparingly.
Hemp Seed is rich in oil and protein and over 40% of the weight of Hemp Seed is edible oils. Crushed Hemp Seed can be fed on its own or mixed sparingly with soft food. Birds will quickly gain weight when fed on Hemp Seed as it has approximately 560 calories per 100g.
Hemp seed is used to feed all types of birds. Contains high grade proteins. Generally offered dry though beneficial soaked. Beneficial to all birds for its high oil content.
Add just a tea spoon to your birds food 3-4 times a week.
What are the benefits of hemp seeds for birds?
Hemp seed is a great seed for bird tables for a number of reasons; first of all, it’s a fantastic source of nutrition for birds. It’s rich in protein, oil, and a great source of essential fats.
Hemp seed can be given straight or mixed in with other bird feed mixes. In fact, we include hemp in many of our own mixes – the pleasant aroma attracts birds to the table.
Which birds eat hemp seeds?
Hemp seeds are widely loved by all manner of birds! So, no matter what birds you’re trying to attract to your garden, hemp seeds will do the job. Hemp seeds also stand out as a seed option that is suitable for young birds and chicks, as well as being suitable for both caged and aviary birds.
How long do hemp seeds for birds last?
Your hemp should be stored somewhere cool and dry. We recommend that it should be used within 5 months of purchase – just to make sure it stays fresh and nutritious for your garden birds/ best online pet shop and bird food supplier in Bangladesh.
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